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Peace of mind…

Knowing that everything gets done can give you peace of mind. That means, while you are busy wrapping up all the final things of a project, you really don’t want to worry about whether everything is being cleaned up properly and that nothing gets forgotten or is done poorly.

Coastal Builders Clean will not only put your mind at rest that absolutely everything is going the be cleaned thoroughly and to a professional standard, but ensure that all areas will be included. Once we do a site visit and discuss with you all the areas that you want to have cleaned, suggest some you may have not thought of and discuss whether you wish to have external high-pressure clean, site clean or even rubbish removal included, then we quote you our best price, and get to work.

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Windows are the eyes…

The windows are the eyes of a house and having them shiny, clear and clean not only makes for great first impressions from the outside, but let the outdoors and view really come inside of the building. For the time/effort it takes to have all windows professionally cleaned, the impact this will have on the presentation and your client when they first step inside the finished property – it is worth every penny!

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First Impressions Matter

You may have heard about the idea that first impressions are what we tend to base our lasting opinions on and that we make them rather quickly, but really, how quickly do we decide whether we like something or not.

Of greater concern is, that the judgements we make based on our first impression are near indelible or very hard to change.

Now, your client has spent a lot of money and a long time waiting to finally set foot inside their new house, and when they see it for the very first time, it is the start of their relationship with it…

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